Originally Posted by Aquila
I guess that means I'll have to be a non-believer according to you. Because I'll never be a Republican. You can burn me at the stake if you like.
This is blatant abuse of religion, a manipulation ploy to try to turn Christians toward your right wing political philsophy. Bro, we just look at it differently as far as politics goes. Both of us would never advise abortion accept in the most extreme of circumstances.
This is where you greatly error. I've spoken
nothing about politics, you are the one who keeps bringing politics into the equation. The Bible is the basis of all authority. Yes there must be laws in the land for a civil society. The greatest civil society, which America once was, is a land that governs based upon what the Bible dictates.
You are blinded by your political views and have elevated those party affiliations above the Word of God.
To me the saddest part of this is that you are probably in the majority. It appears that most "Christians" are care more about their political views than they do the Word of God.