Originally Posted by Sam
There is only one God, one Holy Spirit.
God as Holy Spirit is found active way back in Genesis chapter one where He hovered like a dove over the fluid face of the earth, bringing light to the darkness and bringing order out of chaos.
He has worked in and upon and through humans all through the history of man.
Of course, the same Holy Ghost who empowered Elizabeth, Zecharias, John the Baptist, Simeon, and Anna in the NT and the prophets of the Old Testament is the same Holy Ghost who empowers us today. It's just that in the Old Testament the gift of tongues was not manifested and was therefore not associated with experiences of the Holy Spirit.
Sorry Sam but there is a total different interaction now than then. It is not just about tongues but the law is written on the heart. That clearly shows a total different relationship than through simply the letter. God came in the flesh so that he could dwell in us THROUGH Christ. As he is the veil of God in us so that he can minister to us the way he does now.