Originally Posted by Innocuous
I was in a service once where the pastor stopped the service and verbally reprimanded the entire church for not being 'worshipy' enough as they filed down the aisles to give their offering. He said they should be singing, and dancing, and acting 'happy' when they gave their offering. He even went so far as to say he was embarrassed by the lack of 'worship' in the giving of the offering. Of course he got what he wanted from most folks. But I had to wonder, isn't the act of giving itself worship? Isn't my joining in faith with my fellow brothers and sisters worship? I decided it was and left the service immediately. It was my last service at that church after attending there for almost eight years.
The evangelist that got the whole church running once called out a young person that would later become a good friend.
He told him to stand. He looked him up and down and how nice dressed he was. He looked at his shiny shoes and said "Boy look at those shoes. I bet you never danced before. Why don't you dance right now!" and being on the spot as he was....proceeded to do a little jig. Everyone started praising God lol