Childhood Christmas Memories
Share some of your Christmas memories with us.
One year we went to Lawton, Oklahoma to have Christmas with my Dad's brother and his family. I was probably 5 or 6 years old. It was cold and there was snow on the ground. My first white Christmas as we lived on the Texas Gulf Coast. I remember getting lots of great presents that year, but the best was a toy rifle that had a cork on a string in the end of the barrel and it would POP out when you pulled the trigger.
My Aunt made a batch of peanut brittle (no she was not My uncle told me he was going to set it on the back porch to let it cool, and that I was to guard it because bears might come and get it. They pulled a stool up to the back door so I could see out the window. I sat with my pop gun watching for bears and low and behold if one didn't sneak up and start away with the peanut brittle. I jump off the chair hollering "Bear, Bear" and yanked open the back door and went to chasing it. It made it around the corner of the house heading to the front yard as I came out the door. Then it disappeared before I could catch up. I went back in the back door telling them all about the bear and how it got the candy. They were laughing and telling me how brave I was. Then I noticed my Uncle Tom come in from the front room with a dark woolly sweater, a grin, and a pan of peanut brittle.
That was about forty years ago but I can see it clear and sharp in my minds eye. Uncle Tom passed away several years ago, my Dad this year, but it sure helps to remember those great times.
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
"Do not believe everthing you read on the internet" - Abe Lincoln