Prayer 4 Odeta Wilburn (daughter of CP Kilgore)
This precious lady is in the hospital. She is the daughter of Oneness Evangelist, CP Kilgore. And is also the mother in law of the pastor I grew up under.
she has been in intensive care for a while now, and monday they didn't think she would last through the day. (she's in her early 90's now). But she did make it. The family did say that tues. she cried for something to eat, and a few hours after the family and vistors prayed. Her system did clear up enough she could finally eat. But as they were praying, it was reported that she lifted up her hands and started speaking in tounges. (Still pentecostal to the core!).
I don't know much more than that as I only visit on occasion that church where I grew up. (Attending a methodist church now.) But I don't think Sis. Wilburn will last much longer. Her husband Hoarce Wilburn pastored and evangelized through out Oklahoma for decades before he got alzhimer's disease. (even during that time though as he layed in the bed not knowing anything, he would still occasionally preach something you could understand bits of. He did so the last time I saw him a few months before he passed away some years back.)