Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Isn't the church only as strong as the family? Haven't we seen people so involved in church that they neglect their family and don't remain strong enough to stay together.
Or is it just some of these are Martha in the church and not the Mary that cause this?
Go back and read my post and see how I defined the Church. It isn't about a building or ministries or activities, it's about being body parts in Christ's body. As for the family, Jesus said that those who love their families more than they love Him are not worthy of Him and He said that if those who put their hand to the plow look back (toward the house), they are not worthy of Him.
Interestingly, one of the qualifications of a deacon (a SERVANT of the Church - deacon is NOT a leadership position and those churches that have so-called "deacon boards" exercising authority in the Church are not of God because that is not God's created order for the Church), one of the qualifications of a deacon (and a bishop or overseeing elder, aka pastor) is that he rules his household well.