Originally Posted by CC1
Who died and made you king to decide that only paper ballots and manual hand counting are "real constitutional voting"?
You need to do a little more research to find out where the real voter fraud is happening. It is not with some kind of high tech manipulating of voter machines. It is in the urban areas by Acorn, The Democrat party machine, etc. Places where you can vote easily and often. Do a little google search about Chiacago democrat shenanigans through the years and also what happens in the counties around Evansville Indiana. Paper ballotts are many times easier to cheat with than electronic ones. Those boxes can get stuffed when they are in a very lopsided ghetto area where 100% of the election workers are dyed in the wool libreals on the Democrat plantation serving their masters.
Sounds like your caught up in that left/right, liberal vs conservative, democrat vs republican paradigm.
Cheating has occurred on both sides throughtout election history. Under your ghetto scenario it wouldn't matter anyway for the Democrats to cheat cause that's how they vote anyway, but in recent years it's been predominately the GOP that has mastered the art of election fraud and I believe it's a strong possibility that this election will be swung for McCain. There are numerous reasons I believe this will happen and alot of those reasons have to do with Obama himself. In 2004 it was the GOP that owned the companies(ES&S, Diebold, Sequoia)that made the election machines that swung the election for Boy George Bush.
Watch, look, listen and learn.