Greetings Fellow Christians,
I intend on starting a Daniel Fast this coming Monday (3 weeks) and before I would like to do a night of prayer prior to starting it. Based on the above verse, Christ prayed all night before chosing His Apostles, He also fasted 40 days prior to starting His 3 years Ministry. I am about to start some serious reviewing/cleaning in my life, this is what this fast is for, and I believe this ALL-NIGHT prayer would show Christ I am not kidding. My question and help request is How would any of you go about filling A night with prayers? I have a little collection of prayers but it's hardly enough to take up the night. I really need your help please. I've gone to an all night prayer once in a church, I remember I had an absolutely fantastic experience, we had praise songs, bible reading and prayers, it was simply beauuuutiful but it's been a while I didn't record anything at the time.
Any help and suggestions will be sincerely appreciated. Thank you so very much.
"Now it was in those days that Jesus went to a mountain to pray, and he spent the whole night in prayer to God."
-Luke 6:12-