Originally Posted by Ferd
that is an interesting observation. While I disagree with the notion that the Gov. did anything wrong here, I suspect considering who is doing the investagation, you and the judge are right that the McCain camp wont like the outcome.
we shall see wont we?
My understanding is she fired the guy because of not playing team ball with the gov. on offical business. which would be a reason to fire the guy.
but as Stew said, this is alll quite fluid.
honestly Light, we dont agree and that is fine. simply put, I dont want Barak Obama because of what he believes politically. I do want McCain because he is much more close to me than Obama.
it really is that simple.
With all of his drinking problems and violence, I wonder why he is still on the force? I think Palin and her family are pretty normal to wonder that.
Maybe Monehan was doing a very good job about keeping him on the force. He looks like he needed to be fired, too!