Re: What Republicans Have done to stop Abortion
Just some thoughts!
If everyone in our nation was just like me, what kind of a nation would
our nation be! First I must ask myself, "What have I done or doing to
change the things that are lacking?" It's always easy to blame others".
I will soon see my 69th birthday, the Lord willing, and I have seen many
people live for God and trust Him for everything. You don't always get an
immediate answer. There is that patient waiting on the Lord. He does the
part that we cannot do. We must trust HIM with all our hearts.
It appears that Sarah Palin is being tested. Tried! Moses told those
Israelites in rehearsing their wilderness journey, why God had put them
through those difficult 40 YEARS. He said it was to HUMBLE them, PROVE them,
TO SEE WHAT was in their hearts, and WHETHER THEY WOULD OBEY HIS
COMMANDMENTS or not. Deut.8:2-4
Until we have been through the "wilderness" process, we really are not quali-
fied to tell others how to travel there. It might be better to listen and learn to
those who have been there, so that we might learn what to do when it comes
our time to walk that road. And we all get our chance.
Don't worry, IF we ever live for God, we will get our chance. For HE will HUMBLE us,
COMMANDMENTS OR NOT! And what is in our hearts will be manifest by our
words, written or spoken.
Moses didn't get to enter the Promised Land because his temper got the
best of him and he in anger smote the Rock instead of speaking to it as he
had been instructed to do.
Our parents loved us and corrected when we were disobedient. We learned
obedience by the things we suffered. Parents train up young children, but
God disciplines adult disobedience!
When we've done all we can, we had better JUST STAND therefore, having
on the whole armour of God. When Moses and the children of Israel had
gone as far as they could, they just waited. What else could they do. God
had to take over and finish what no man could do. As long as we are willing
to do what we can, then God will take care of that part only He can do.
This is not written for offence, but just for the information I feel to share.