Originally Posted by Aquila
Bro....many political figures and dignitaries have left their prayers at the wall without anyone revealing what the prayed. In fact, this is a first. Obama had no reason to think his prayer would be treated any different. Here's the deal....people hate Obama so much they'll politicize his prayer. I think it's more likely that some bottom scavenging right wingnut stole the prayer TO politicize it.
The reports are saying that it was a Jewish student. They're aren't near as many people who hate Obama as those who are frightened of him. He truly is a scary individual! I have never hated anyone and I'm am frightened of what Obama can do to not only this country, but other nations as well. He has the ability to UNITE the world, as it were. At least, to hear the media say it, he does. That, in itself, is scary!