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Old 03-27-2007, 10:09 AM
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tbpew tbpew is offline
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Originally Posted by freeatlast View Post
Yes..faith..witout works is dead. non existant.

All that I do...baptism/ evangelism/ community work/ communion/ I do out of love for the one who saved me by his grace. Not out of Obligation but rather out of gratitiude.

It does make a difference, obligation or gratitude.

Do I believe in baptism? YES ! EVERY and i mean every Christian should and will be baptized....BECAUSE of the remission of their sins, NOT for the remission of their sins.

It is representive of our spiritual covenamt with God as circummsionion was in the OT.

The circumcision in the OT did not give them their rightousness, Belief/Trust/Faith did that. Circummcision was the seal or sign of their covenant with God.
I can not presently understand the razor-thin line of separation you seem to be wanting the reader to consider.

If something is representative of our Spiritual covenant with God how can it any way be unbundled for the total picture that establishes me with God.

If we can not understand the molecular level of where righteousness is imputed, AND we know that he that endureth to the end WILL BE SAVED; is endurance a work?

Come on, this is crazy talk. The gospel of Dan would charge me as being a messanger of salvation by works! I am a messanger of SALVATION BY WALKING IN AGREEMENT WITH THE MASTER, the COMMAND-er, my LORD.

Obedience is the AMEN to what speaks (the YEA).
My doing is the evidence that I BELIEVE!

Why are you trying to separate the inseparable?
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
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