Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
Entirely another issue ... right now ... I'd have to read the entire decision to see if this was the only reason given ...
I'm not one for montage of facts.
thats a good Idea. I think I ought to read it too....
I do know the court relied on "cruel and unusual punishment" and I am not willing to give the court that much leeway.
at some point the death penalty is Cruel and Unusual. I mean you cant execute people who drive 56 MPH in a 55 MPH zone.
I just dont know if this meets that standard.
personally I think the entire system is both cruel and unusual. all of it. both to the criminal and to society at large.
we dont fix bad people we just stack them like cordwood until we get tired of it then we let them back out in the general population to continue thier bad behavior. there is nothing about our system that seems to deal with the impact of crime, nor prevent future crime.