Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?
I had to run out to the car to get something and heard
the 3 yr old screaming across the street. He was rolling on
the grass throwing a horrible temper tantrum, yelling at
his Father, making demands. It was a site to see !!!
The thing that struck me was the Father's reaction.
He just acted very docile, tried to appease the child,
reason with him,and basically let the kid act out and control
the situation.
Are many Parents today afraid of their kids?? If that was
my father or mother they would have tore by butt up
no Qs asked.
I recently talked to a parent in my church and was
astounded at their liberal views of corporal punishment.
i think they might have read too many Doc. spock books??
I'm not advocating abuse or always whippin' on a kid
for anything, I'm mostly talking about Kids who have
been allowed to take over the household by way of
your thoughts on this