I received the following in a email.
Dear Apostolic Brethren,
Since its inception in 1968, the Apostolic Minister’s Fellowship has provided a unique home for a Truth-loving, Holiness-minded, and clean five-fold ministry. Before delving further into who we are, please allow me to explain who we do not pretend to be. First, our Fellowship is not made up of perfect men. However, we affirm our belief in God’s proven method of anointed Bible teaching and preaching to save all them that believe (
1 Corinthians 1:21). Also, unlike some other groups, we have never falsely claimed to be the Body of Christ in its entirety. We are merely striving to preserve and one day present to Christ a Church without spot or wrinkle. In doing so, we will retain our distinction as a true Apostolic people with the glory of God in our midst.
The Apostolic Minister’s Fellowship is formed as an “Equal Brotherhood” of ministers of like precious faith. Local assemblies are recognized as sovereign and autonomous units under the headship of their individual Pastor without the fear of any encroachments being made to restrict this God granted liberty. We remain committed to accept men of God solely on the basis of life, doctrine, and integrity. The AMF pledges to its members not to deprive them of a single right or privilege of liberty granted to them in the Word of God. Our objective continues to be not to divide, but rather unify brethren who share a common conviction to hold fast the “Old Paths” message while at the same time sharing a consuming passion to bring the message of
Acts 2:38 Bible salvation to as many possible through our committed foreign and home missionaries.
It is with joy and great anticipation that we announce the 40th year Anniversary Conference of the Apostolic Minister’s Fellowship. Plans are now being made to enjoy a great celebration of forty years of proclaiming liberty and Truth. Regardless of your affiliation you, your family, and congregation are invited to come and enjoy this great time of worship, teaching and preaching, and good solid Apostolic fellowship. We anticipate a “reunion” like spirit as former leadership and even former members are urged to make plans to attend. Above all, it is our desire to give Christ, the Head of His Church, the glory for allowing us to be a small part of what He is doing in the earth just prior to His Blessed Appearing! Lord willing, we will see you at Shelbyville, Indiana at Apostolic Tabernacle on August 5th, 6th, and 7th for a great time of spiritual refreshing!
Yours In Christ,
Robert Cavaness, Chairman