Originally Posted by Praxeas
Im not "physics" minded or "Astro Phycics" however the idea of a universe that is still expanding or not is interesting. I have always thought it would be interesting if the Universe began to collapse back on itself into that "singularity" and then started all over again.
Then again considering there are other theories to replace the big bang now Im not sure how much we should speculate on the BB.
And by Universe are we speaking purely of unoccupied space or are we speaking of more planets and Stars?
And if the Universe is expanding....where is it expanding into? I mean if I blow up a balloon I can see where the expanding balloon is expanding into.
If the Universe is expanding then Does this mean God is still creating? Or does it mean a part of God's creation never stopped the process of creating?
Great questions, I love this topic as well.
There is a really good book for those that can understand physics
I love this book, long read but it is great.
The universe is expanding into endless space. The expansion doesn't necessarily mean more is being created just more space between the created.
I like the other questions, let's explore them and list our findings!
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