Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne
Jesus didn't claim to be powerless. His humanity was powerless, but He was God also. It's difficult for us to understand how He could be powerless and all powerful at the same time.
Jesus healed people. Jesus is God. Only God can heal, therefore, Jesus wasn't instituting His own will when people came asking for healing. He is the healer!
Jesus, in the verses above, is speaking as a man...a human. As God, He commanded sickness to leave and the dead to rise. He didn't do those things by the will of the Father, He did those things because He is God!
That's what I was referring to.
Your Christology has Jesus constantly bouncing between a man and God. If, as Paul states in Philipians 2, Christ took on humity, with all its limitations then He spoke truly when He said he relied on the Father for the things he said and did.
International Standard Version (©2008) Phil. 2:7
Instead, poured out in emptiness, a servant's form did he possess, a mortal man becoming. In human form he chose to be,