Re: Revisiting the "PANTS" Issue
Originally Posted by StMark
If we can Do away with Duet 22 then whose to say we can do away with the scripture in Lev. that says that lying with man and man is an abomination???
Isn't there a difference between the civil laws of Israel and moral laws that are timeless ??
It is proper interpretation of Scripture. How did Isreal apply this teaching that was given to them. They both wore robes. The differences were that the women dressed in a more ortamental style -- but it was still the same basic robe. The same is true today -- women wear pants like men and they have differences. The principle was not to confuse the sexes.
My wife does not do away with that principle. My wife does not seek to look like a man.
If ye believe not that I AM, ye shall die in your sins. John 8:24
Mone me, amabo te, si erro
No real problem exists over the use of "The Name" in everthing else done in the Church. Why then should there exist great controversy over the use of the "The Name of the Godhead" in water baptism?
Kevin J. Conner The Name of God p. 92