Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen
Travelling in a car does not affect the running of GOD's Church. They also drove in chariots in JESUS' day, and they had boats, ect... Flying in an airplane rejects nothing in Scripture, neither does it add to any Scriptural mandate.
Appointing General Superintendants and other such offices that are not authorized in Scripture and is wrong. Also, if GOD does not have a denomination, as you say, then would it be reasonable to say a denomination is not HIS? A demoninational system is not authorized by HIM? ect... A denomination puts man at the head. The UPC works through elections and other such things? Where do we see this in Scripture? The UPC sets standards that bind and that hinder fellowship. The UPC also charges a fee for liscensing it's ministers, where do we see this in Scripture? Where did the apostles align themselves along denominational lines? Can the structure of a thing, affect the working of the thing? Can a car being built some according to the pattern, and some deviant from the pattern, make the car different? Yes, and it will run different, and it will be different. Not the best example, but it's late.
Bro. Alex
Again, nothing you state above is stated in scripture. Just because God doesn't mention it doesn't mean He is against it, just like the lack of the mention of cars doesn't mean God is against cars.
We don't see a lot of things in scripture that we have in the church today, like altars, testimony services, ladies meetings, and Holy Ghost shoutdowns, but just because you don't see those things mentioned in scripture doesn't mean God is against those things taking place.