Originally Posted by AmazingGrace
I havent read this whole thread but I too agree I am tired of those who just think the UPC is horrible and anyone who is in it is in bondage... not true but they can live in their own little happy world and I will continue in my world! I am blessed!
The last 2 nights I have sat and worshiped in the First Annual RAIN conference sponsored by the upc.. RAIN is Reaching African Immigrants in North America... its a product of a burden the UPC has for African ministries and our African daughter work was fortunate enough to have the first conference here! It was awesome and we are so excited! Seeing more and more Africans come in daily is such a blessing! We look forward to one day being there with them in their country to worship with them there but until that day we will be happy with fellowship here with them...
It was funny because they introduced my hubby as their white african brother who aint seen africa but is more African than some of them LOL... he loved that... These people are such a blessing and we love them... and I personally love the UPC! Had a wonderful time of fellowship after with the African church family and many of the officials from Missouri and I have to say... I love their burden for Africa!!!!!
Is the daughter work from your church made up of Nigerians? I am just wondering because I know there is a Nigerian Pentecostal Church in Houston. I know a lady that I use to work with that attends the one here.