Originally Posted by JTULLOCK
HO, all I can say is I have seen time where immediately after someone receives the HG that a lady in the church comes up to them and starts to dictate scripture out of context to basically tell them they have to change in order to be holy. I have personally seen after the pastor preaches a message about God's grace and mercy some one receives His spirit and then the next breath after they are done a lady is 'setting them straight' on the conditions of receiving God's grace. It doesn't make sense. Now this is an extreme situation, but I have seen it. Just let a women or man sit in a conservative congregation without changing anything....you will start to see one of two things. First the preacher preaching at them or the saints starting bible studies with them basically to teach them the ways of dress codes. I have seen it all too many times.
Sadly, I have to admit that I've seen it as well, but I'm happy to know that this way of doing things is going by the wayside. I now know lots of pastors who will not allow the saints to do the informing to the new converts. I think it's wrong, and it's not their job. God doesn't need our help, right?
The biggest issue I'm dealing with at the moment is pastors and saints who 'teach' people who to speak in tongues. This happened again on Sunday morning.