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Old 04-22-2008, 03:43 PM
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Re: Spring Festivals

Originally Posted by Eliseus View Post
1Timothy 1:8 But we know that the law [is] good, if a man use it lawfully;

The feasts were most certainly shadows of Christ and His glorious Work. I don't know any true Christian who would deny that.

That is a far cry, though, from saying 'Gentiles should not celebrate the feasts'.
I cannot see Paul intending anything else in gal 3 through 4.

First of all, in the New Covenant, THERE IS NEITHER JEW NOR GENTILE. So there is no such thing as a 'Gentile Christian' or a 'Jewish Christian' except in reference to what a person was BEFORE they became a Christian. In Christ, ALL things are made new...
That wads what I meant by speaking to Galatians. They were FORMERLY Gentiles. That was the context of Paul's words to them.

Our family has observed PAssover for several years (I think you already knew that, brother Blume...?) This is the first year we actually followed anything remotely approaching a traditional method of doing so.
Actually I am unaware of who your family even is. lol.

We kept it for the two purposes given in Scripture - to teach our children, and in remembrance of the Lord.

It served as an excellent opportunity to teach by both word and example (action) the history of Deliverance, Passover, the Lamb, applying the blood, the final sacrifice of Christ, the Lord's Supper and what it connotates (one cup, one loaf - the afikomen - which represents one covenant, one body, one sacrifice of which we all partake, etc etc etc.)

Jesus kept PAssover, and said 'Do this in remembrance of me', which is just what we as a family have tried to do, and will continue to do.
The Lord's Supper was BASED UPON Passover, but I do not think it was Passover. Passover foreshadowed the work of the cross, which the Lord's Supper revealed. We take COMMUNION many times throughout the year. Not just AT PASSOVER time in the spring. In Fact, Communion is said to be "as oft" as the church did it. IOW< it did not restrict it to passover time. So I do not think it is Passover in the strict sense you may be implying it is.

Moses said the Passover was to be kept in remembrance of the deliverance from Egypt. Our Lord said we were to keep that memorial ( the memorial in remembrance of the Exodus) IN MEMORY OF HIM. Paul said that by doing so we show forth His death until His return.

To suggest that 'Gentile Christians should not keep PAssover' is simply to suggest that 'Gentile Christians should not keep the Lord's Supper', because the twain are the same.
I disagree for reasons noted above. When we have Communion we do not announce that we are having Passover. We have the Lord's Supper which is based upon the foreshadow of Passover, which supper is in itself symbolic.

But I think you may have missed my point. Paul was speaking about keeping these days HOLY. Christians have no HOLY DAYS, MONTHS or YEARS. That was the context. Feasts of Israel were only HOLY DAYS, required by Law to be kept holy. We simply are not under that legality.

I hope that clarifies things.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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