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Old 04-05-2008, 09:12 AM
SDG SDG is offline

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: H-Town, Texas
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Re: The Oneness Anti "Christ" doctrine ....

Originally Posted by OneAccord View Post
This has probabaly already been discussed ut years ago there was a very small organization called The Church of Jesus. It was headed by Sam Officer and based in Cleveland Tennessee. Later the group evolved into The Church of Yah or something similar. In middle Tennessee there was group of churches called "The Church of Jesus". They believed Christ was a title, like Father, Son and Holy Ghost. I saw one Bible used by one of the preachers and he had went through it and marked out the word "Christ" anywhere it was used in conjunction with Jesus. They based their teaching on the verse in Zachariah which says something like "In that day, there shall be One Lord, and His Name ONE". Also when the angel announced the Saviors Name prior to His Birth, he said "Jesus" as opposed to "Jesus Christ". They baptized strictly "in the Name of Jesus". Some were very adament. One told me to be baptized "in the Name of Jesus Christ" was the equivelant of being baptized " in the Name of the FSHG". He also said adding "Lord" and "Christ" was adding to the Word. At least two of these churches are now in the ALJC.

I was very close to some of the brethren, though we differed on baptismal formulas. "The Churches of Jesus" I have visted (and held revivals for) were in Winchester, Huntland and Elora, Tennessee. I considered Bro. Marvin Taylor, a fine but strict brother, as my pastor at one time.

Another church in St. Augustine, Florida baptized "in the Name of the Lord Jesus". They weren't as hardnosed about it, and were loosely asscoiated with David Terrell, though he baptizes "in the Name of Jesus Christ".
How does this groups explain away Acts 2:38 w/ Peter's mention of Jesus Christ?
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