Did Baptism Ever Wash Away Sins?
I know there are countless threads on baptism. However, as I lay awake early this morning, these thoughts came to me. I'd thought it would make for interesting discussion.
The History of Baptism:
Baptism was instituted under the law. In Numbers, we see two very distinct uses for water to be used for purification rituals. One was the "waters of separation or death" and the other was the waters of the "mikevah".
The waters of purification we a type of "holy water" which was mixed with the ashes of the Red Heifer to be used by the priest to sprinkle in ceremony over an individual who was ceremonially impure.
Baptism was a ritual designed to cleanse ones body after having mingled with unclean sources. Prior to entering into the Temple, one was to "immerse' in these pools which were erected all across the Temple Mount.
These pools were to be gravity filled only by a natural source. They were built in such a way as to receive rainwater or drainage from a live river.
The purpose of baptism under the law was to "remove" any impurities physically from the body after making contact with unclean elements. A woman was to "immerse" after her period, immersion after touching a dead thing, etc. If one was ceremonially unclean, they were removed from the community. Their eternal salvation was not affected.
Baptism under the Old Covenant never washed away sinful behavior, like robbery, murder, adultery, etc. People were required to bring a sacrifice to the temple for the covering of their sins. Yearly, the high priest was required to offer the blood of the Red Heifer before God and enter into the Holy of Holies and apply that blood for the nation of Israel on the mercy seat.
The Remission of Sins always came from a sacrifice, never baptism. When someone says "the blood is applied at baptism" or baptism remits sins", they are saying baptism is replacing the sacrifice.
Jesus Christ was the sacrifice that removed the sins of humanity. This is why Satan would have us rely on our works and not on Christ. If we place our faith in baptism and not on Christ, we cannot be saved.
For without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. If we disregard the sacrifice of Christ, we might as well start bringing doves and she goats to church and cutting their throats on the altar. Because the Cross is made of "none effect".
Peter would be mortified if he knew a doctrine was created which has replaced Christ on the Cross from his own words. Peter tells us the purpose of baptism...'the answer of a good conscience towards God."
What think ye?