Originally Posted by Ferd
Not guilty.
generally when I get email from friends and family, I first check the bottom of the email. if it says "forward", I delete as it was not sent to me personally.
I have been known to respond to the sender with a link to snopes.com and a comment about how inaccurate it is.
I do respone to email sent to me by friends and family that are sent as letters. personal notes sent via email are very nice and I appreciate keeping up with folk.
jokes are cool.
funny video are cool
telling me to send an email to 10 people so bill gates will give me a million bucks are not cool.
explaining how the world will end next tuesday are not cool.
my sentiments exactly!
I don't do the chain letter to be blessed thingy sending it to 10 people or I will have bad luck blah blah blah blah!
Daily God loadeth me with benefits...... I saw no disclaimer that said that I had to send off 10 chain letters to receive them!