Originally Posted by GodsBabyGirl
Some important questions to ponder.....
How long were Blacks enslaved and lynched?
How long was the Holocaust?
Who helped build this country more, Jews or Blacks? Again not diminishing Jewish people, I hate they went thru that.
Which was longer and which had the more impacting, lasting effects on THIS country??????
THIS is the problem--comparing pain to pain, persecution to persecution, and playing a game to see who has had it worse and who should be feeling the most angst. Which has the ultimate outcome of deciding who gets to complain the most without any consequences.
The truth is, MOST people, regardless of their race or color, can understand PAIN. Period. You don't have to be black, you don't have to be Indian, you don't have to be Jewish. Most of us have suffered, just from different things. THAT is the understanding that needs to be had. Suffering is the bane of the human race, and should allow for us all to be compassionate with one another.
I am so put out by the verbal segregation I feel when listening to some black leaders, when they talk about the "black community", the "blacks" in this country, the "black music", "black history." What I resent about it is that when they separate themselves and retain their separateness, proudly and without apology, they are maintaining the very segregation that was decried and abolished.
Until we see one another as people instead of segregated communities (whether that is actual or simply based on attitude), there will not be progress as promised.