Originally Posted by ChristopherHall
Dude....my first pastor used the "N" word and called mixed babies an abomination. He also refused to conduct mixed weddings. I sat under him until his death. His ministry was powerful and valuable to me. Would you consider me a racist?
Perhaps not. But one may say you could have/should have made a statement by choosing not to sit under a preacher who spoke so hatefully of black people, whom Christ also died for.
Its not my place to tell you you should have left... But personally, I definitely would have.
Originally Posted by CC1
...it is extraordinarily poor judgement for him to sit there 20 years.
...There are plenty of black churches who do not spout hatred that he could have been a member of.
Your butt is where your heart is and apparently none of this offended Obama's sensibilities enough for him to move his butt to another black church.
Indeed. And we keep hearing what a wonderful family man he is. Why would he want his children to be sitting under such hateful speech?
Originally Posted by CC1
That is poor judgement and should cost him any chance of the Presidency.
Indeed. If he doesn't have the guts to deal decisively with Rev Jeremiah Wright and cut him off, how is he going to have the guts to deal firmly and decisively with Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Al Qaeda, Kim Jong Il, etc??
My personal prediction... Obama is seriously damaged by this. This will cost him at least 3-4% of the total vote in November. And that may well be enough to swing the election to John McCain.