Since the good people on AFF posts their blog, I might as well start a thread/blog on here, to balance the good (the rest of y'all) with the bad (me).
After my preaching Wednesday night, I was spent. Many said the Lord used me, and I am grateful. However, now looking back, I see some physical problems with me that need addressing. So, today I start something new...
My Mom works at a local Middle School. She has grasped permission for me to use the weight room after hours to work out. I need the exercise. Wednesday night left me too drained, and it is time for me to get serious about my health again. So, today I start a new workout regiment for at least twice to three times a week, as well as something I love...
I am getting all my hair cut off of my head as well.
This will be my Mom's reaction when she sees me this afternoon. Oh well, she was having a bad day anyway.
So, this is the first of my Big Mouth postings. Love all y'all on AFF!