Re: The loss of a General Board Member
Originally Posted by deltaguitar
I don't understand why you guys want these ultracons out so bad. Without their strong hand in the organization you guys will be the new ultracons and will find yourselves fighting to keep the traditions you have grown to love so well.
The UPC can't keep the liberals and it can't keep the ultracons so it is destined to be an org full of mediocre moderates unless it starts to allow the liberals back. The only way this will happen is to finally allow the PCI view to be preached.
Once this happens you can be sure that those that are "weak on your message" will come to power and those who are now moderates will be the new UCs.
The UPC is either going to have change or become completely irrelevant and just throwing the ultracons out is not going to bring the change that you guys are expecting.
That's classic.