God grows churches by sovereign moves of His Spirit - and He works within and particular to the framework of time, place, and situation. We must use every available means to win people. There's no excuse for doing nothing or sitting back on our haunches waiting for a move of God. We have to work while it's day but at the same time I've seen in every church we've been in God just moved by His Spirit sovereignly ushering in a whole wave of new people.
"Cast your bread upon the waters" is a scripture I always think about in regard to reaching people with the message of salvation. God will honour our sincere attempts at evangelism within our communities but I do think sometimes a lot of energy goes into some programs that yield little if any result.
We need to be wise and be led by the Spirit in regard to how we go about reaching out to people. Not every method will work in every community or for every church. God works with us as individuals and in our individual situations.
Just a few thots.......