Evangelist are under a stress most pastors are not under. Their ministry at the church they are preaching in is under time restraints(ever how long the revival is). I have as long as God has me here to do what I feel is needed an evangelist is limited by time thus PRESSURE and STRESS. Every evangelist wants to do his best for the church he is preaching in.
His wife and family are for a better term 'church worn'. Very little free time and down time just to kick back. I was speaking to a young evangelist today he has maybe 4 days until his next revival I told him to unwind ONLY read his Bible as devotional and not to study for a message take his young wife and do what they want and enjoying doing. Just hang loose and relax. Pastors do NOT monopolize every spare moment of an evangelist's time while they are with you.
They are constantly with pastors hearing their problems. Give them space. If their wife is tired do not make them feel pressured in her attending every service. She is churched to death. If during a revival she would like to go visit her family so be it don't make them feel guilty. Do not place restrictions on the evangelist that you do not want on yourself. An evangelist can't keep up with every preacher feud in the country leave them out of it. Pastor the evangelist may not like your friend don't pressure him into preaching for him.
DO NOT EVER have an evangelist by to convert him to some deep revelation you have or standard you feel he needs tightening up in.
Pastor if YOU want to preach a revival then do NOT call an evangelist to come by. It is insulting to bring an evangelist in then preach before and after him. You might need a trip to the altar to check your ego!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then finally let him know you have appreciated his ministry and do not make the saints feel as though they have committed treason to compliment him.
I am taking the shield of faith and ducking!!!!!!!!!!!!