Ladies, There is A Difference....
I do not think that the woman, Hillary Clinton owns a dress or a skirt. Everytime I see her in the news, she is wearing BRITICHES.
Over the years I have noticed that more women are wearing britches. Years ago, I was not too much bothered by it for some reason though I never thought that a Christian women claiming to be full of the Holy Ghost should strut around in them at all.
Yesterday, while waiting in the tire store waiting on my pickup truck, I happened to look around and for some reason, I noticed three women in the waiting room, each wearing pants. Then, a woman walked in with a long skirt on and for some reason, my heart rejoiced. I hope that she thought I was flirting but I caught her eye and smiled really big. There was such an approval of her that rose up in my heart for the reason of the skirt.
Yes ladies, there IS a difference between ME and THEE. God in his great divine wisdom, made it so. Aren't you THANKFUL that there is a difference...a very wonderful difference? Everytime I see Hillary, she is wearing her BRITICHES, as though she is trying to portray a manly imagine of power befitting to the office of President or even a Senator.
More and more, I have a growing appreciation of the symbol of difference between men and women as seen in skirts vs. britches. I see a woman wearing pants as a woman not fully happy being a woman, though this may not be the case at all, but it is an impression I get. I hope I am wrong.
Ladies, take off the britches and put on a skirt or a dress. The dignity of a skirt or a dress on a woman is so much appreciated by such old fogies as myself. I cannot scripturally prove that it is a salvational issue, but it seems to me that NATURE itself should teach us certain things, among them is the wearing of the symbol of the wonderful differences between me and THEE. Thus, I feel within myself that the wearing of that which pertains to the male sex is displeasing to the Lord. If it is so, then it very much a salvational issue. One cannot go to heaven having lived a life displeasing to Him.
Let us celebrate the difference in our sex with joy.