01-29-2008, 07:56 AM
Re: Gabby's
Originally Posted by Adra
Good morning everyone,
Getting babtised was such a wonderful thing for me.
When I was a child I almost drowned and since that time I have had a fear or water going over my face. I knew that I had trust in the Lord, but still the human part of me was terrified of it.
I had talked to my husband about my need to be babtized, and my fear, and come to find out, he also wanted to be babtized. We were still just praying, and had not decided to talk to the pastor. Then at last weeks Sunday Service, the preacher mentioned that anyone that wanted to be babtized should let him know. We did and he filled the babtistry and Sunday night after service we were babtized.
I would love to be able to tell you that I was not afraid. I was so scared, I just knew he would drop me in that water and I would fling my arms out and take a gasp and fill my lungs with water.
It didn't happen like that, but I was afraid. I was able to hold on to my love for God and my faith in Him that nothing would happen, but I was still afraid. I know that fear is from Satan, and I would not let my fright, because of a childhood incident, deter me from this wonderful experience.
I came up feeling renewed and so close to God. I am glad I did it. There were 6 of us and one of them was a 9 yr. old little girl. She had gotten saved 3 weeks ago. The little girl, another woman and I were the only females and we stood there for a moment while I led them in prayer and it felt like we were literally on Holy Ground.
God is so good to us all. I am so in love with my Heavenly father and so glad he called me to be one of His own.
Congratulations! Being baptized is such a wonderful thing....it had a profound effect on me!