How do others rate your listening skills?!
This morning I was looking at an old Perspectives magazine from last year, and read this little piece...will post a bit of it for your consideration and will shorten paragraphs for easier forum reading:
"Most of us have trouble being a good listener. We think about five times faster than we talk. So as a listener, the battle is to slow our minds down to focus on what the speaker is saying.
This is especially difficult when our family members are talking...
A good listener sends the message to the speaker that he/she has value and worth.
Being an effective listener does not mean that you are in agreement with everything that is said. But it does say to the speaker, 'I care about you and want to know what you feel and think.'
Good listening skills will strengthen a marriage, improve your relationship with your children, and make you a better friend, employee, boss, and a better child of God as a minister or saint."
So how do you rate your listening skills?!
Do you have a difficult time paying attention?!
Does your mind easily wander to what you want to say next?!
Do you think people listen to you?!
How frustrating is it when we realize they do not, and do we think others deserve the same consideration?!
How can we be better 'listeners' as it pertains to forum life?!
Ia anyone listening?!