Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Then don't you think that can extend to Muslims?
Yes, but anyone who breaks a civil law (whether because of religious convictions or for any other reason) should pay whatever the penalty is for breaking that law.
If I as a Christian believe that God does not want me to get a driver's license because that would be supporting a "satanic" government, then I as a Christian should be ready to face whatever the penalty is for driving without a license.
If I as a Christian believe that I should bomb an abortion clinic, then I as a Christian should be ready to face whatever the penalty is for destroying property, inducing panic, and whatever other charges I may face.
An example we had here locally a few years ago was a minister who was a pacifist. He believed that taking a life for any reason was wrong. He believed it was wrong for him to support a government with his taxes if that government was going to take lives. So, he did not pay federal income taxes to support defense. I don't know if he refused to pay all federal taxes or just the percent that went to the defense budget. He also picketed and demonstrated government buildings and General Electric because GE received defense budget money. He was arrested for trespassing and also for non payment of income taxes many times. I don't agree with this man's beliefs but he was refusing to obey civil laws because they would force him to break (his understanding) of God's laws. Because he broke civil laws he spent time in jail.