Originally Posted by Sherri
I would not say that tithing is salvational, but I do think that it's very important in the life of a believer. I do not believe that's it's just Old Testament; I believe that it's for today too. In our life, I have seen the fruit of tithing. In nearly thirty years of marriage, we have never failed to tithe and God has abundantly poured out His blessings on us financially. I was raised that if I got a quarter allowance, I put 3 cents in the offering as a child. We have done the same with our kids. When you grow up that way, it just becomes a way of life, not a duty to be done.
Tithing is only the beginning; offerings should be above and beyond tithing. I know it's cliche, but you cannot outgive God. We gave sacrificially when we were very poor, but we knew it was a principle of God's Word and He never failed to bring in what we needed if we were faithful.
I do believe that if you don't tithe, you are robbing God. It's in the Word, and I don't want to be a thief in God's sight! JMHO!!!!
You state that you believe that if you don't tithe that you are robbing God... and yet you do not believe that tithing is salvational...
Does that make God the only one a person can rob several times a month and still be saved?
I would think that if one truly felt that to not pay the tithe in these NT times was robbing God then it would, of necessity, need to be a salvational issue.
Can I rob my neighbor weekly or bi-weekly and yet remain saved?
Also... you say that you don't feel the tithe is just OT... do you have any scriptural basis for this feeling?