11-27-2007, 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Ferd
Steadfast, as I was thinking along these lines, I remembered an incident that happened when I was a kid. This family started coming to church. They received the Holy Ghost and were really getting involved and doing well.
One night we had a tremendous service and someone gave a message in tongues. It was clear this was the real deal but no interpretation came.
The pastor stood up and said that he felt that someone had the message and he implored whomever it was to give it.
Still nothing was said. We waited on the Lord and this new fellow eventually stood up and said “It’s Me!” and ran out.
To this day, he has not come back to church. What a sad and curious thing. He literally feared being used by God more than being lost in eternity.
This post alone shows us the absolute need to get newer converts into serious teachings about the operation of the Spirit, spiritual sensitivity and understanding spiritual gifts. It should be done as soon as their feet find 'sure ground' in the Church.
What a sad situation, Ferd. One that I've seen played out various times.
Thanks for the post...