He does. And you do.
Yes, I found myself quite turned off by the healing evangalists after awhile. I followed Benny Hinn for quite some time, but it's all empty inside a shell of something that might have been real at one point. And no, I'm not in any way speaking ill of him. His books gave me things to think about that led, at one point, to a great revival in my life. It's just, there's not a whole lot left sometimes after you dig a little deeper, and it wasn't just BH that I started feeling that way about. (a note, that was...um a long time ago..14, 15 years ago..?)
I really liked what I bolded below.
I literally laughed out loud when I read this.
Originally Posted by OneAccord
I commend your hunger and desire for the deeper things of God. Don't get discouraged when things don't happen over night. Just pray and be led by the Lord. He will direct you in the way He desires for you.
I've been far more dragged along for the ride than seeking, at least to this point. I've been attending church again since June, after 8 years out of church (and I wasn't in an Apostolic church then). I wasn't looking when I kind of got set down right in the middle of my church. God did some quick work to get me to go back a second time too. I'm only just now really coming to accept where I am, and maybe wish I had the desire for the things of God like I did in the past (pre 8 years out of church). Ok, I know I'm heading that direction, to that desire for God's moving in my life. To this point, that's been mostly extremely painful, but I know God is more than what I've seen the last 5.5 months.
That said, I know your advice is sound. I also appreciate the list at the bottom of this post and I will look into that more closely.
Originally Posted by OneAccord
I think Prax has a point. I grew up in Jeffersonville, IN... in the shadows of Branham Tabernacle. This was in the early 60's. I can remember the crowds, but, because we weren't a religious family, we had no idea who he was, or what was happening. Miracles of healing and deliverance happen among OP's, but, for various reasons, they go unnoticed. Partly because "we don't toot our own horn" so to speak. We don't publish great healing magazines and have telecasts. And, too, also for various reasons, we are regarded as the "unwanted step children" of Pentecost.
The fact is, competition among the Healing Evangelists was keen, to say the least. Some claims were...well, incredible. Not saying God can not and does not do some of the miracles they claimed. Every preacher seemed to be trying to out do the other. And this, among other things led to the demise of the Healing Revival.
And it may be good that we don't "brag" too much about what God does among us. That could, and often does, lead to spiritual pride. It seems the disciples handled this quite well. They didn't speand alot of time advertising the mighty works of God. I don't see that they spent much energy debating and discussing the miracle working power of God. They just DID IT.
I commend your hunger and desire for the deeper things of God. Don't get discouraged when things don't happen over night. Just pray and be led by the Lord. He will direct you in the way He desires for you.
In studying, however, you may want to study the Life of Christ. His life gives a excellent idea what God is doing in this day.
1. Apostleship- Calling the disciples, church government
2. Pastorship- Comforting, carrying for and teaching the sheep
3. Teaching- Teaching the Gospel, explaining, expounding the Word
4. Evangelist- Healing, travelling from city to city
5. Prophet- Foetelling His death, giving signs of His Coming, the 2nd Coming.
I may not have those in the right order, as its been awhile since I've studied it.