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Old 11-12-2007, 04:01 PM
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Neck Neck is offline
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Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Hmmm...start asking folks to give of their time, effort, and sweat, and see where that gets you. Most folks would RATHER throw money in the offering and leave work to others. JMO.

Look, my Daddy pastored a home missions church at one point, and there were many times when he HAD to get up and let the church folks know that if they didn't get a certain amount in the offering, the lights would be turned off. That is just a practical matter. I also have known my parents to turn around and put half (or more) of their scant tithes right back into the church to keep it running, not once, but on countless occasions.

Running a church requires addressing practical matters, and the church is supposed to have all things in common...aren't they? If there is a bill to be paid, it SHOULD be brought before the church and worked out TOGETHER. The pastor shouldn't have to bear that burden alone. I, quite frankly, would be upset if there was a need in our church, and we weren't informed, and therefore allowed to contribute or help, monetarily or otherwise.

Some of ya'll act like talking about money is wrong. They certainly discussed it and addressed it in the New Testament church.

Then shame on them for their unchristian attitudes and lack of generosity. Funny you should make excuses for wealthy saints. Ironic, almost.

The pastor shouldn't have to pander to the "wealthy" in order to pay bills and take care of his family. Those who withhold funds as a way of controlling their pastor and the church...well, they are going to answer to God for their ungodliness.
You make all valid points. But talking about money every week gets old to many.
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