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Old 11-12-2007, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
I disagree too. I know a pastor that takes all the tithe and the church still pays all the bills. His descretionary income every years is well over 150k and the church runs about 150. His income has taken a hit. There were several affluent members that left over a situation. So his income went down. So for several weeks he and the associate preached on tithe and offering. They say it was planned long before hand. But it seemed to fit that they were preaching to try and make more income. I told one of them that they should have put off teaching on it that it made them look bad/greedy. I was on staff there and they said they could not afford to put me on staff. But is they were on a salary then it would not have been a big deal. I have known churches to put the pastors and others on a salary and give them a bonus for membership increases.

I do not think it is biblical for a pastor to get all the tithe. It says bring it to the store house not the pastors house. IMO. If you are not for a salary then set up a % they take from the tithe i.s. 80% and the extra goes to missions or cost of running the church.
I believe ever pastor should be on a reasonable salary...most churches (of about 70) might have to give the pastor 100% of the tithe for him to be full time....

But....when the tithe is more substantial due to a larger congregation...the pastor should take a set salary from the tithe and use the excess to fund other salaries and church needs...

Where is the cap? Depends on the church and the circumstance I suppose. For instance...in deep East Texas $35,000 is a whole lot more money than it is in California....

If a pastor is in a city situation...more money is needed to live and prosper...in the country...maybe less...so the premise of this thread is flawed...what it takes to barely get by in California, or New York City, or even Houston could be quite adequate in po-dunk-ville....therefore how can we say with any ceertainty what is acceptable compensation and what is not....

The attitudes about the pastor not prospering are just wrong. Maybe what is best for some is to join up with a group that doesn't allow full time pastors....every pastor has to work in the secular field as well as pastor the church...maybe that would make those gripping saints and jealous spirits feel better..

Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
Pelathais, I sure hope you don't get banned for telling the truth.

I have seen so many lies posted. The best one is the one Triumphant 1 did his best to combat. You know, the hair cutting party thing?

Prominent members of this board chose to believe the lie and even continue to spread it, even though T1 had totally proved it was false.
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