Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Because doctrine means ZIP to most. Whereas doctrine is primary in Apostolic churches.
This is true Elder - It is not the primary focus.
I know you will strongly disagree with me - but I don't believe it was the focus of Jesus or the Apostolic First century church either. The church should be about MINISTRY. I understand completely that you believe it should be about doctrine - I have been there and done that and Lost my T-Shirt doing it - I am NOT going that route again!
These people I pastor - could care less how I baptize them! They just appreciate someone that provides;
1. A Safe Physical and Spiritual atmosphere for them and their family.
2. That they gain insight and a fresh perspective in the Word of God.
3. That RELEVANT issues are dealt with and explained and they are given a spiritual perspective on RELEVANT issues.
4. That they are challenged to be better than they are. That they can progress from where they are - Spiritually.
5. That someone relates to their problems and needs and can help them through them.
People need MINISTRY! They are hurting and abused and battered all week in our humanistic society and they need HOPE, HEALING and HELP. That is what we provide. They WANT to be good Christians and to follow Jesus Christ. This is their desire. When we provide a place of ministry and give them Fresh Bread from heaven - they will jump in the water to be baptized anyway you want to baptize them.
Why is it so important to some - to have to tell them - YOU ARE GOING TO HELL IF YOU DON'T DO IT THIS WAY! YOU ARE WRONG - YOUR DEAD MOTHER IS IN HELL because she did not do what I am preaching!!!!!!!!!!!
You know - When I read about Shepherds - they LEAD sheep. I have been in a LOT of places - where I felt SO much worse after being there - cause they beat and slapped on us the whole time. WHO NEEDS THAT? Warped sheep!