Originally Posted by philjones
Would you agree that this article, with or without the resolution, empowers the DB to go on witch hunts? The term "under question" is EXTREMELY vague and the DB could meet and say OK... we are going to put all men who go out over resolution 4 under question. This would then preclude a licensed minister from preaching for them or them preaching for a UPC pastor. The ambiguity of the article is, in my opinion, dangerous.
BTW, I have seen a particular district use the article/bylaw to shut men out and move them on down the road.
DS and DBs are subject to collusion and corruption like any other political body!
The UPC can eliminate ALL minister's licenses, pastor and evangelist, and go to one and only one minister! Yeah, then all churches can set up big screen "monitors" in the churches and the one and only one minister can preach to everybody! He can have screens set up in mission fields, he can do crusades all by huge screen "monitors"! Oh wait that sounds too much like 1984 and Big Brother! Yikes...we're here!!!