PAW Is Crumbling!!!Bishop Noel Jones is leaving too!
Got word today that Bishop Jones, Pastor of City of Refuge in los Angeles Announced to his church that he is leaving the PAW.
It was posted on the forum last week that Braizer was leaving. he has a church of 25,000 members in chicago.
So, the 2 largest churches are leaving and a lot of pastors that look up to these 2 are leaving also.
The PAW is going Thru a MAJOR Shaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what part of it is, Braizer and Jones wants the PAW to become mainstream. they started inviting Non - ONeness speakers to their National convention which has caused a firestorm.
most of the Major Oneness orgs are going thru a hugh shift, sift & shaking
what in the world is going on ???