Originally Posted by Old Paths
Last year my wife and I drove to NYC for the first time ever.
I parked the car ($25.00 per night) and never saw it agian for 4 days.
We took the big red tour bus ( http://www.nytours.us/tours/tourType...FR-YYAodEEgdLA) and would highly recommend a non native New Yoker to do the same.
The bus will has THREE tours for the one price (about $50 per person). the Downtown tour will stop at Macy, Empire State Bldg., SoHo, Greenwich Village, Wall St., Ground Zero, etc .
The Uptown bus will make the muesems and Centarl Park.
You can get off and re-board as many times as you want at NO EXTRA COST!
We loved it and plan on doing it again.
I second this suggestion....especially since you have on/off privledges...
otherwise - take a cab