While Christ was on this earth he used human channels to help get His work done. Gender, color, social position, or any of these things did not affect Him. Many times the disciples had a narrow view to who could be part of their group. But in many instances Jesus never turned away one tender soul. The disciples, however turned women and children away but Jesus did not cast any away. He would allow women and children to be near Him.
The priority of the church today, be it man, woman, boy or girl should be endeavoring to share Christ with everyone. For the gospel of the kingdom must be preached to the entire world for the end to come. In
Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” It is generally understood that He was talking to His Church here in this passage.
So just who is that church? It’s you and me. He commissioned everyone! Jesus will use the voice of anyone who is available to Him. Women always seem to have something to say. Why not speak for Jesus? If a woman is consecrated, called out, and prayed up then He would certainly use her for His glory.
Do you realize that probably two thirds of the church body is women anyway? Only someone that does not have a full discerning of God’s saving plan would try to close the mouth of one who is trying to spread the Gospel message. Perhaps the scoffer should search his heart to see whether his motives are pure. It’s not a good idea to try to stop someone from preaching Jesus.
Our commission did not come from some group of "church overseers" or some "governing body," no not even from the Roman religious papacy but it came from the One True Supreme Authority, the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave the church the command to go and preach the gospel (
Mark 16:15-18).