I see no difference in a man or woman uttering a prophecy. They are vocal and say, Thus saith the Lord...do not confuse what I am saying with a manīs or womanīs role. I am only saying that women did LEAD Godīs children such as Deborah and women such as Hulda uttered Godīs word to priest and men.
I am not saying that is the norm BUT it did happen...
I think this is really not about women preachers but ow the RCC influnced peopleīs thinking. That is why we have trinity churches today thanks to the RCC and that is why women were taken out of the pulpits thanks to the RCC.
One of the greatest examples of women in ministry is Sister Agnes Holmes. Not belittling anything or any man but growing up there much of what God has done has been through Sister Holmes. If there is a Jesus Name church in Guy Arkansas it was Sister Holmes that started it and if there is one in Sherdian it was Sister Holmes that started it too along with many more.
Brother M. Burr was saved under the preaching of a woman along with MANY well known men preachers of the past...whether they believed in them later or believe in them now may be a different story BUT if it had not been for many women many great men that have graced the platforms would have been lost.
I believe it was Brother Springer that was saved under Sister Holmes preaching, Brother Craig Sissel and many, many others...
However unless it is with WBīs followers I do not debate the subject. I have never claimed to be a WP and have never been ordained as a preacher...I am only a missionary and a firm believer in
Acts 8 where it teaches that men and women went every where preaching the word...So whatever that means that is what I am...a spreader of good news...