Did Bro.Yohe Preach At Your Church ?
Did Bro.Yohe ever preach at your church or at a church you ever attended ?
I am just curious.
Before I ever owned a computer ,or had ever heard of FCF ,I knew Bro.Yohe because He preached for my pastor fairly regularly.
When I first met Bro.Yohe He was living in LA.
His use of quotes was quite awesome.
His sermon using the picture of Dorian Gray was amazing , and He used quotes from The Pope and sources that most Oneness Pentecostals never would consider using.
So did Bro.Yohe ever preach at your church ?
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.