In our humanity, we sometimes grow weary of forgiving those that profess to love us- when the same offenses happen over and over and over again...At some point, aren't they required to 'get it'? I have not seen this addressed on the thread.
I know that we are instructed to forgive 70 times 7- in one day...but, at what point is it JUST NOT WORTH the pain anymore? When you have forgiven over and over and over it ever time to 'move on', in an effort to 'save' your emotional and spiritual health, or do you stick around and suffer till Jesus comes? All the while playing the role of the proverbial 'martyr'. Does the time come, when the one doing the offense actually loses respect for the one always overlooking, and forgiving?
Is it ever okay to just forgive once and for all, and then walk away and not look back? Sometimes the hurt is just too heavy to bear any longer...are we, as christians, required to offer ourselves up as a human sacrifice to those that would suck the very life from us?
Any thoughts?