Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne
Roxanne, nobody is suggesting we forsake teaching them about a personal relationship with Jesus, nor giving them drugs or alcohol and such. However, one has their head in the sand if they think the ways of yesterday work in today's world. If that were the case, the Catholic churches would still be as full as they used to be, but even they can't keep people in the church any longer.
What worked yesterday was modern in yesterday's world. We live in today and it's time we made it work for today. Kids are being saved and staying in the church because we make it about them and not about us.
Not so. Kids are being saved and staying in the church because we make it about Jesus (not about us or them). Is it possible to have variety in HOW Jesus is presented? Sure, but with the foundation being a relationship with Jesus, NOT having the 'newest thing' to entertain the kids (or their parents). Sorry, I can't see how this 'stepping' is anything more than just a new way to indulge and entertain the flesh.