Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne
If it's wrong or unbiblical to 'practice' anything, then we should do away with choir, orchestra, and special singing practices!!! I mean, so what if the key is off and the timing isn't perfect, right? Isn't the worship more important than those things?
Where in the WORLD did you get that I said it was unbiblical to practice? I only asked if there was an example where David PRACTICED, or CHOREOGRAPHED--in other words--his dance.
We know that the singers practiced. We know that musicians practiced. It may, then, stand to reason where the spiritual dancers practiced, but it does not necessarily follow that they did.
I challenge some of you to clap off time to songs in your church and see how many stares you get. Oh sure, they will be stares from those who obviously believe that synchronization isn't Biblical, but hey, you are worshipping, right?
Certainly, because clapping is timed to the music. If you have rhythm, you have no need to practice clapping. So this point is moot.
I believe it was Paul that said let EVERYTHING be done decently and in order. This doesn't mean that worship is a field day of whathaveyou's, but rather, worship should be orderly. This gives way to those who wish to synchronize ways in which to worship and it's completely biblical to do so.
He was talking about the use of spiritual gifts that shut down worship where other people have to stop and listen to you. He was not referring to free worship.
According to your line of reasoning then, ALL WORSHIP would have to be choreographed or it would not be decently and in order. That is preposterous. If it were not choreographed, it would have to be "tamed." You cannot support this from Hebrew worship.
The fact is, some people's definition of "decently and in order" is whatever they want to make it.
Prove that Old Testament worship, when people shouted unto God with the voice of triumph, was choreographed, with everyone shouting the same thing, and in complete unison and you might have a case. It seems to me that if they were to shout in unison, they would have been told what to shout. They were not. They were told HOW to shout...
with the voice of triumph...and they were told WHAT to do...
I have FAR MORE proof that David's dancing was not choreographed, and it was not something that "genteel" folk would have called decent and in order...becuase his "proper wife," Saul's daughter was ashamed when she saw how "shameful" David danced before the people. When she challenged him on it--he said he'd do it "worse," which really meant "better," next time.